Sunday, April 18, 2010

Buzzard Bashing

Well, we had a great start to our journey. Wanted to leave by 8 but didn't until 9. Ah, the good life.... Any way, about 85 miles from the house a bunch of buzzards were dining on some kind of road kill and as we drove by, Bam, one flew in front of the motorhome and hit us with a very loud crunching sound. We stopped to check for damage but other than the buzzard laying in the middle of the road there was none. Whew, dogged that bullet.

We're in Del Rio now; stopped for gas and lunch. The wild flowers have been gorgeous.

Will give you more later.



  1. So where's the pix of the flowers or the flat buzzard? - Carl

  2. Yeah Carl's right! We want the dead buzzard photo! :)

  3. As the "Rule of the Road" is that you must eat what you did Val & Maggie prepare "Buzzard Pizza"?
